William Blake narrated a poem entitling The Angel. This poem is suitable to teach Junior High School students because the language used is not so difficult. Besides, the moral value or the message from the poem is important for them. By William Blake I Dreamt a Dream! what can it mean? And that I was a maiden Queen: Guarded by an Angel mild; Witless woe, was neer beguil'd! |
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Popular Poem: The Angel
Popular Poem
Monday, May 30, 2011
Popular Poem: A Glass of Beer
A Glass of Beer is suitable for teaching the students of Junior High School students because the words used are not so difficult. Besides, a teacher can also teach the grammar mainly for past tense and the message that is related to their life especially for their ambition.
Popular Poem
Sunday, May 29, 2011
The Analysis of Song: Imagine
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ohn Lennon was asking us to imagine a place where things that divide people (religion, possessions, etc) did not exist. He felt that it would be a much better place. This song is a strong political message that is sugarcoated in a beautiful melody. He realized that the softer approach would bring the song to a wider audience, who hopefully would listen to his message. In short, the messages of this song are that we should keep on optimistic to the peace and create the world as a better place to live. The further analysis of the song is presented below.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Model Poem: The Apology
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he Apology narrated by Ralph Wardo Emerson is suitable for Junior High School students in term of content. However, the sentences must be simplified because there are so many difficult words which have connotative meanings. We can teach language feature used in these structures of poem in the form of request, how to make an apology, and how to make an invitation. Besides that, we can also teach grammar about simple present tense, simple past tense, future tense, and conditional sentence. The following analysis is started by presenting the poem.
Model Poem
Model Poem: The Prayer of the Dog
his poem entitling The Prayer of the Dog is one of the examples of model poem which is taken from the collection “Prayers from the Ark”. Although the setting is Noah’s Ark, but the meaning-all describe animals feeling and problem in their life- still related to today’s’ condition. The further analysis on the poem is presented below. |
Model Poem
Friday, May 27, 2011
Rhyme Verse Form Poem: London
illiam Blake (1757-1827) was born on November 28th 1757 at 28 broad street (now Broadwick St) in the Soho district of London. His father, James Blake was a hosier and his mother, Catherine Wright Armitage Blake. He was visionary poet and artist, earned his living as an engraver. Blake showed talent as a poet and artist in his childhood, writing the earliest of the Poetical Sketches at age twelve and studying drawing at age ten. Although he lived and worked in relative obscurity, Blake is recognized as one of the great English poets. He died on August 12th 1827. One of his poem is London. The following is the analysis of the poem. |
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Rhyme Verse Poem: Where the Sidewalk Ends
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he poem entitled Where the Sidewalk Ends narrated by Shel Silverstein is needed to teach Junior High School students because it uses simple language so students can easily understand the meaning of each word since the words present denotative meaning. Besides, we can also teach them the structure especially present tense and imperative sentence. In addition, we can teach moral value given by the poem through the message. The poem is one of the example rhyme verse form.
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Rhyme Verse Poem: Villanelle (Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night)
he poem is much more appropriate for Senior High School Students. It does not only use difficult structure but it also uses more connotative meaning and figurative language. The use of adjective clause is also applied in this poem. However, in term of message this poem is recommended to teach for Junior High School Students. Why? Because to talk about death, it is something mysterious. It can happen to everybody. Death is the prerogative of Almighty. |
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Syllable and Word Count Poem: Diamante (Man-Woman)
The poem ‘Man-Woman’ by Lukacs is suitable for the students of Junior high school since it uses simple words. Besides, the meaning is easily understood by the students of SMP/MTs. Level. In short, teaching Junior High School students a diamante poem is not so complicated for us.
Syllable and Word Count Poem
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Syllable and Word Count Poem: Cinquain (Trapped)

Syllable and Word Count Poem
Syllable and Word Count Poem: In the Wave Strike over Unquiet Stones

Syllable and Word Count Poem
Monday, May 23, 2011
Formula Poem: I used to … poem
The poem entitling Used to Be narrated by Anthony Brown is suitable for junior high school students. The students will easily find the meaning of the words because most of the words are in denotative meaning. Moreover, the form of formula poem is easily written by junior high school students, because it contradicts about what happened to the students in the past and what is happening now. The further analysis on the poem is presented in the following.
Formula Poem
Free Form Poem: Rain Song
Rain Song is a concrete poem. It is a form of poem in which the visual element is part of the poem’s art, the typographical arrangement of letters and words on the page (or as here) is as much a part of the poem’s essence as the more traditional poetic techniques. This poem is a kind of free-form poem which is not rigid on the rhyme scheme, rhythm, and stanza. In this poem, Nott, the writer, has arranged letters and word in the form of an umbrella for representing the content. The discussion of the poem includes its structure as well as its content. In terms of the structure the poem will be analyzed on how the poetic devices and poetic diction employed, whereas through the analysis of the content the intended meaning or message Nott wants to deliver will be revealed.
Free Form Poem
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Nonsense Verse Poem: Find Your Thankful Self
Syamsul Arief, an English teacher from Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia, analyzes a nonsense verse poem entitling Find Your Thankful Self narrated by Joanna Fuchs. He comments that the poem is appropriate for all level, from junior high school to university level. For junior high school level especially MTs/SMP students, this poem is good to be taught. Beside the language is simple, the content has deep meaning as well. Through this poem, the teacher can invite the students to always thank for all condition to God.
Nonsense Verse Poem
Nonsense Verse Poem: Angels, in the Early Morning
Nasih Iwan Susanto, an English teacher from Kediri, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a nonsense verse poem entitling Angels, in the Early Morning composed by Emily Dickinson. He states that poem is appropriate for Junior High level because it gives the description that sometimes appearance could deceive us.
Nonsense Verse Poem
Nonsense Verse Poem: The Broken Heart
Eva Ratnawati, an English teacher from Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a nonsense verse poem entitling The Broken Heart. She comments that the poem is not appropriate for junior high school level because it applies so many difficult words, even the Old English, such as THEE and THINE.
Nonsense Verse Poem
Nonsense Verse Poem: The Owl
Khoriyah, an English teacher from Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a nonsense verse poem entitle The Owl composed by Tennyson. She mentions that the poem is compatible with the students of junior high school either in meaning or structure. They will enjoy reading this poem.
Nonsense Verse Poem
Model Poem: Because I could not Stop for Death
Yulia Shopiaty, an English teacher from Tasikmalay, West Java, Indonesia, analyzes a model poem entitling Because I could not stop for Death composed by Emily Dickinson. She comments that we should prepare our death and be optimistic for our life in hereafter. It means that we should have good attitude because the life in the world is the process to enter the life in hereafter.
Model Poem
Nonsense Verse Poem: Words
Bambang Kustriadi, an English teacher from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a nonsense verse poem entitling Words. He argues that the meaning of the poem is very important for someone, with good words we will become a good person, also on the contrary. The poem is suitable for students in MTs/SMP because the language is simple, easy to understand and full of meaning.
Nonsense Verse Poem
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Model Poem: Acquainted with the Night
Supriyono, an English teacher from Malang, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a model poem entitling Acquainted with the Night narrated by Robert Frost. He mentions that the poem is very suitable for MTs/SMP students because it can develop the students’ awareness about social life.
Model Poem
Friday, May 20, 2011
Model Poem: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Intan Zakiyah, an English teacher from Malang, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a model poem entitling I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. He comments that the poem is not appropriate for Junior High School level, because the vocabularies are too difficult. Moreover, it also uses some terms and structure that might be difficult to understand by junior high school students. So, it is more appropriate for the higher level students.
Model Poem
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Model Poem: How do I Love Thee??
Abd. Gafur Yusuf, an English teacher from Paser, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, analyzes a model poem entitling How do I Love Thee?? composed by Elizabeth Barret Browning. He argues that the poem is suitable for MTs/SMP students since it is simple and familiar with them.
Model Poem
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Rhyme Verse Form Poem: A Special World
Masduki, an English teacher from Kediri, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a rhyme verse form poem entitled A Special World. He concludes that the poem is appropriately used for Junior High School students. It consists of easy level of vocabularies.
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Rhyme Verse Form Poem: My Papa’s Waltz
Asri Atika W, an English teacher from Madura, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a rhyme verse form poem entitled My Papa’s Waltz. She comments that the poem is not suitable for Junior High School students because it contais a harsh scene in which a son and his mother are powerless in the presence of a drunk and domineering father.
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Rhyme Verse Form Poem: All Things Bright and Beautiful
Amirudin Latif, an English teacher from Lampung, Indonesia, analyzes a rhyme verse form poem entitled All Things Bright and Beautiful. He says that the poem is very suitable for students in Junior High School levels because the language is simple and it contains moral message introducing the students to their God who has made all things well. His analysis is presented as in the following.
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Rhyme Verse Form Poem: When I was One-and-Twenty
Riska Puspita Sari, an English teacher from Madura, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a rhyme verse form poem entitled When I was One-and-Twenty composed by A. E. Housman. She argues that the poem is simple in its language, so it can be used as a teaching material especially English. In order to make it easier, the teacher’s guidance is needed.
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Syllable and Word-Count Poem: Tanka (Children)
Lilis Farida Isnawati, an English teacher from Kediri, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a syllable and word count poem (Tanka). She starts by giving definition about Tanka and ends by commenting on the use of Tanka in language classroom.
Syllable and Word Count Poem
Free Form Poem: A Dream within a Dream
Norhenriady, an English teacher from Amuntai, South Kalimantan, Indonesia, analyzes a poem created by Edgar Allan Poe. He likes the poem because it has deep meaning and touchable his heart and whomever readers. Furthermore, he states that sometimes we feel or even experience the situation just like the poem. Sometimes we ever lost someone or something we love in our life. The poem inspires everyone about how precious the life is. Additionally, it is suitable for students of Junior High School until university.
Free Form Poem
Monday, May 16, 2011
Free Form Poem: Love is Enough
Abdul Wakhid analyzes a free form poem entitled Love is Enough. He is one of the English teachers form Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia. He thinks that the poem is suitable for the students of junior high school because by presenting the poem the teacher could give a lot of linguistics figures. The teacher should lead and guide the students to get the meaning of difficult word or phrase. The analysis is presented as follows.
Free Form Poem
Free Form Poem: Fire and Ice
Hanna Andyani, an English teacher from Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes a poem entitled Fire and Ice composed by Robert Frost. She says that the poem is interesting and simple as well as meaningful so that it is suitable for students of Junior High School.
Free Form Poem
Free Form Poem: Dreams (1)
Laili Makhfudhoh, an English teacher from Malang, East Java, Indonesia, analyzes as poem entitled Dreams composed by Langston Hughes. She comments that the poem is very suitable for MTs/SMP students since it has simple sentences and a great message for them in their life.
Free Form Poem
Free Form Poem: Daffodils
Bambang Sutaryo, an Eglish teacher from Bengkalis, Riau, analyzes a free form poem entitled Daffodils. He states that This poem can be a good model in teaching our students (Junior High School students) with some simplification. His analysis is presented below.
Free Form Poem
Free Form Poem: The Mouse's Tale
Na’imatul Muflikhah, an English teacher from Malang Regency, analyzes a free form poem entitled The Mouse’s Tale. She comments that “The Mouse’s Tale” is a good example in teaching our students about concrete poetry, because it has an interesting shape and the language used in the poem is simple. The use of denotation words can help the students understand the message easily. Moreover, some of the words can help students to enrich their vocabulary mastery by find out their synonym, for example the word “Cur” same as “dog”, “condemn” same as “punish” or “blame”. The modern conception of concrete poetry is a poem in the form of a picture, and then Lewis Carroll helped to shape this idea with his poem.
Free Form Poem
Free Form Poem: Dreams (2)
M. Arizal Safari, an English teacher from Kediri, East Java, Indonesia, comments on a poem composed by Langston Hughes, Dreams. He mentions that the poem is appropriate for Junior High level because it gives the description of having dream and the importance of it. His analysis is showed in the following.
Free Form Poem
Formula Poem: In Two Minds
The analysis is done by Ni’matuz Zahroh, one of the English teachers from Jombang, East Java, Indonesia.
Formula Poem
Model Poem: Invitation
Invitation is one of the type of model poem. The following is the example of analyzing a model poem: invitation.
Model Poem
Model Poem: Apology
Model poem is usually written by a renown poet. There are many kinds of model poems. One of them is apology. The following is the example of analyzing a model poem: apology
Model Poem
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Rhyme Verse Form Poem: Clerihews
Clerihew is firstly written by Edmund Clerihew Bentley when he was sixteen years old. He lived in 1875 until 1956. Bentley's first collection of verse in this vein was published in 1905 as Biography for Beginners. Further collections appeared in 1929 and in 1939. It was soon after publication of the first volume that the name CLERIHEW became applied to this particular form of light verse.
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Rhyme Verse Form Poem: Limerick
The other kind of poem is rhyme verse poem. One of the example of rhyme verse poem is limerick. The following is the example of an analysis of limerick.
Rhyme Verse Form Poem
Syllable and Word-Count Poem: Diamante
Diamante is a diamond shaped poem. It describes one central topic or two opposing topics. It is categorized as syllable and word-count poem. A Diamante Poem follows a very specific format – there are seven lines, and each line must have a specific number and type of words: line is topic (noun); line 2 is two describing words (adjectives); line 3 is three action words (-ing verbs); line 4 is four words (two word about the topic and two words that are opposite of first noun); line 5 is three action words for ending noun (-ing verbs); line 6 is two words to describe ending noun (adjective); and line 7 is ending noun (opposite of line 1). The following is the examples of the analysis of diamante.
Syllable and Word Count Poem
Syllable and Word Count Poem: Haiku
Haiku is actually a kind of poem from Japan. But some of the poems are translated into English. The following is the example of the analysis of a haiku translated into English.
Syllable and Word Count Poem
Free-Form Poem
Free-form poem is one of the example of poem which has no pattern. It has no rhyme and the number of the line is free.The following is the example of analysis of a free-form poem: Happiness.
Free Form Poem
Formula Poem: Color Poem
There are many kinds of poem, namely formula poem, free-form poem, syllable and word count poem, rhyme verse poem, and model poem. The poem can be classified into some examples, such as if I were poem, color poem, haiku, diamante, limerick, clerihew, apology, and invitation. The following is the example of analysis of a formula poem: color poem
Formula Poem
Formula Poem: If I were Poem
There are many kinds of poem. One of them is formula poem. The formula poem itself has many types like If I were poem and color pom. The following is the example of analysis of a formula poem: If I were poem.
Formula Poem
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